February 2020, weekday, 1-night, double bed bay view guestroom 657
I had a difficult time getting a room at this hotel. Starting a year before our stay, the hotel was either showing sold-out, or the room cost was outrageous (over $300 + taxes). I was finally able to book a room with 60,000 points. There were three of us, so I booked a room with two beds, and a balcony overlooking the bay. I received an offer to upgrade to a condo for $20, so I took it. The day before we arrived, the condos were sold out, so I checked in online and chose guest room 852.
View of cruise port from pool deck on floor 10
while waiting for guestroom. |
Diamond perks and check-in
We arrived from the FLL airport around 1:45 PM, and checked our luggage with the bellman because our room was not ready yet. I received a text around 3:15 PM saying that our room was ready. I returned to the front desk, and we were assigned guestroom 657. The agent did not tell me why we were receiving a different guestroom than the one I had chosen during online check-in, and I did not ask. I mistakenly assumed they were taking care of their diamond members, and giving me a guestroom that was at least as nice as the one I had chosen. As a diamond member, I received bottled water and a breakfast coupon for two.
Same view of cruise port from guestroom 657. |
Guestroom 657
This guestroom is located near the center of the hallway above the back rooftop. It is fairly spacious, with a large bathroom.
Entry area in guestroom 657. |
A safe was located in the entry closet. The beverage area next to the closet contained a small fridge, ice bucket, coffeemaker with supplies, and glass glasses.
Shower room in guestroom 657. Vanity located across from toilet. |