Thursday, January 29, 2015

Michigan Photos & Upcoming Travel Reviews

I have not had as many posts to this blog as usual recently, since I have not been traveling as much the last six months. In fact, I may have to change some of the elite status levels in my profile after the end of February. I have mixed feelings about that right now.

Beautiful sunrise in early winter 
I will have a new travel post next week, and a few in March, April, and May. Most of the first few posts will be from area hotels and travel outside of the United States. Some of you will be glad to know that the information in April and May will be from Michigan--campgrounds and information about visiting northern Michigan and the Upper Peninsula!

In the meantime, please visit and "like" my Facebook travel page. I often provide additional photos and information on the Facebook page when there is too much for a blog post. I also share travel information and contest links from other pages. Hope to see you there!

If you are interested in cooking hints and healthy recipe ideas, visit my other blog: Eating Healthy Can Be Delicious and Easy, and the accompanying Facebook page.

winter wonderland

I have been enjoying some of the beauty from my home in Michigan in between travels. I often missed this when I was busy packing, unpacking, and traveling all over.

I am sharing a few of my favorite home photos ~ Enjoy!


Owl in our yard

Woodpecker on our sliding glass door!

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