September 2019, Weekday-weekend, 3-nights, Campsite 62
Paris Park campsites 58, 60, 62, and 63
We camped on site 62, and friends camped on site 58. We initially wanted sites 60 and 62; however, 60 had been reserved by the time we finalized our plans to visit. If you want two sites together, sites 60 and 62 are two of the best campsites in this park. If you are camping alone, and want privacy, be aware that these campsites are very open to each other. We parked our truck next to the line to create a bit of privacy between 60 and 62.
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On the reservation site, campsites 58 and 62 both say they accommodate a, "Large RV or 5th Wheel;" however, it was tricky getting into both of these sites. Additionally, I was verbally told that site 63 would accommodate a 5th wheel (even though the online information says it is a tent site), and neither of us would have gotten on that site because of the trees and incline.
Campsite 58 is tricky, because there are many trees on this site. Our friends barely fit on the site with a 28' 5th wheel with one slide out. We actually had to remove one of the posts until they had parked. We were obviously not the first ones to do this because the post was loose when we checked it.